Debian IceDove kicks the bucket after Thunderbird revisits Debian Repositories
Evers since Thunderbird found its way back to the Debian community, the tussle between Firefox and Debian has finally resolved. Everything is well and normal now except for IceDove which has turned out to be a collateral damage. A year ago, Iceweasel, a browser related to IceDove, was laid to rest.
The Genesis of Iceweasel/IceDove was due to the cute little logo of Firefox which was copyrighted under terms that didn’ t fit Debian’ s free software guidelines, the DFSG. Hence, as a solution to the conundrum, Debian started to ship Firefox without its Logo. No major problem plagued the Debian camp until Mike Conner, who was then Firefox’ s lead developer, abrogated Debian from using Firefox’ s name in 2006, and this led to the rebranding of all the Mozilla products in Debian. Firefox underwent metamorphosis and turned into Iceweasel, and Firefox’ s email client Thunderbird became Icedove. Same thing happened to Sunbird and SeaMonkey as they were revamped as Iceowl and SeaMonkey.
It has been a year now since Debian and Firefox have buried their hatchet. Since then Firefox and all its aided packages which include Thunderbird and its integrated calendar Lightening have found their way back to Debian with their real names intact.
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