Nagios is a trusted and most powerful Linux monitoring tool that offers complete monitoring of Linux distributions. It monitors the parameters like system metrics, process state, service state, CPU load and file system usage. It also detects the protocol failures and network outages. It can be installed under the directory called /usr/local/nagios and it offers flexibility, scalability and task simplicity. It holds two monitoring tools such as Nagios core and Nagios XI. Its special feature is that it gives an alert to the system administrator, if anything goes wrong in the system.

Network Monitoring tool monitors the system and sends a report to the administrator if an error or fault occurs. It is a part of network management system and collects data from all possible network elements.The various network monitoring fields are Packet analyzer, application and service monitor, intrusion detection etc. These are performed with the help of network monitoring tool. Ping is the basic network monitoring tool. The best network monitoring tools are Nagios, Icinga, Anturis, PRTG, Monitis etc. The command line tools include top, nmap, netstat, atop, mytop etc.

Monitoring tool allows the users to track outages and performance degradation effectively. Monitoring the network is very essential, because it helps to improve the network efficiency. It monitors the CPU, Load average, memory, network interface, disk I/O, processes and file system space utilization. PRTG is one of the most widely-used network monitoring tools, which is more powerful. Monitoring tool also avoids loss and increases the profit. It provides easy installation and multiple location monitoring. Some of the well-known Linux monitoring tools are top, htop, atop, apachetop, ftptop, mytop, powertop, and iotop.

Netdata visualizes the current status of the Linux systems in the web browser. It has also monitors the performance of application, SNMP devices of the Linux systems. The mentioned light weight tool consumes just 3% of a single CPU usage and 10MB to 15MB of RAM. The users can monitor anything with the API plugin and also easily embed the charts with any external web pages. It has its own web server to display the final report in graphical format.