How to change access key and secret key for minio on centos 7

To Change Access Key and Secret Key for Minio on CentOS 7

Minio is best suited for storing unstructured data such as photos, videos, log files, backups and container / VM images. Size of an object can range from a few KBs to a maximum of 5TB. It is so simple to change the default access key and secret key for Minio on CentOS 7.

To Change Access Key and Secret Key

In order to change access and secret key, you will have to change it in config.json file. You can locate that file location by making use of the following command

root@linuxhelp1 ~]# locate config.json

Now that the file location is found, open it in the following manner.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# vim /root/.minio/config.json 

In the file, there is a line access key and secret key, edit it with your new access key and secret key.

        " version" : " 22" ,
        " credential" : {
                " accessKey" : " zaq1xsw2cde3" ,
                " secretKey" : " 123456789" 
        " region" : " " ,
        " browser" : " on" ,
        " domain" : " " ,

Access key should be min. 3 charcter Likewise Secret key should be min.8 charcter.

After that, you need to restart Minio service as follows.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# systemctl restart minio

And then, open your browser and give http://localhost:9000(minio running port) as URL. You will be asked to provide the access and secret key, enter your new keys for both field and click login.

The Minio browser now appears on your screen.

With this, the tutorial on how to change the access key and secret key for minio comes to an end.

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