Vulnerability, in computer security, is a flaw or condition that exists in a system which creates a potential area of attack left without any security. Reducing vulnerabilities provides fewer options for malicious users to gain access to secure information. Keeping security patches up to date helps computer users and network personnel to protect their systems from vulnerabilities.
Config Server Firewall (CFG) and Login Failure deamon (LFD) features like suspicious file reporting and system monitoring, login, intrusion detection, standard filtering of packets, SYN flood detection, user interface integration for cPanel, DirectAdmin and Webmin, detect port scans, monitor temp directory and script directory for suspicious modifications, Port Knocking, manual IP blocks, monitoring automatic IP blocks, Straight-forward SPI iptables firewall script,
Ransomware is a type of malware that infects a computer and restricts a user’s access to the infected computer. These alerts often state that their computer has been locked or that all of their files have been encrypted, and demand that a ransom is paid to restore access. Ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails that contain malicious attachments and drive-by downloading. Drive-by downloading occurs when a user unknowingly visits an infected website and malware is downloaded and installed without their knowledge.
Firewall is a security guard between networks and it manages and controls the traffic on the networks. It protects the system from viruses, software bugs and malicious software applications from the networks or the IP of the system. Some of the most commonly used firewall applications are Iptables, IPCop firewall, Shorewall, Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW), Pfsense and IPFire. Iptables is the most flexible utility, which supports the features like backup and restoration.