How to create a user without useradd command on Oracle Linux 8.5
To Create User Without Useradd Command On Oracle Linux 8.5
useradd is a command in Linux that is utilized to add user accounts to your system. In Linux, it is simply a symbolic link to the adduser command. This tutorial will show you how to create a user without using useradd.
Installation Procedure:
Step 1: Check the Oracle Linux version by using the below command
[linux@linuxhelp ~]$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Oracle Linux Server"
[linux@linuxhelp ~]$
Step 2: Enter the user Details in the following location by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp linux]# vim /etc/passwd
Step 3: Create Group user by entering the Details in the below location
[root@linuxhelp linux]# vim /etc/group
Step 4: Create password for the user1 by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp linux]# passwd user1
Changing password for user user1.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Step 5: To check the Encrypted password for user1 use the below command
[root@linuxhelp linux]# cat /etc/shadow | grep user1
Step 6: Switch over user1 by using the below command.
[root@linuxhelp linux]# su user1
bash-4.4$ exit
Step 7: Create home directory for user1 by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp linux]# mkdir /home/user1
Step 8: Change Directory to user1 by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp linux]# cd /home/user1
Step 9: Now copy the bash file to the current user1 directory by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp user1]# cp -v /etc/skel/.bash*.
'/etc/skel/.bash_logout' -> './.bash_logout'
'/etc/skel/.bash_profile' -> './.bash_profile'
'/etc/skel/.bashrc' -> './.bashrc'
Step 10: Now switch over to user1 by using the below command
[root@linuxhelp user1]# su user1
[user1@linuxhelp ~]$
[user1@linuxhelp ~]$
[user1@linuxhelp ~]$
We have reached the end of this article. In this guide, we have walked you through the steps required to create user without useradd command on Oracle Linux 8.5. Your feedback is much welcome.
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