What’s next for Ubuntu Linux Desktop?
Last week, Mark Shuttleworth has announced the world that the canonical will be closing its doors on the development of Unity and the convergence shell for phones/tablets.
Based on the Mark Shuttleworth Google+ post, he answers to some of the biggest Ubuntu-related question. Some of the excerpts are:
- The canonical will invest in Ubuntu GNOME and deliver an all GNOME-desktop much like Lubuntu, Xubuntu, or Kubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME will be the default version of Operating System.
- The smooth transition of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Unity to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS GNOME.
- The new snap package system will be available to future versions of Ubuntu as well as Fedora, Debian and openSUSE. As well as Ubuntu core will be a part of Canonical’ s strategy.
- The future of Mir remains unclear. Mark has assured that Mir will be used as compositor for lots of Internet of Things projects as it is very fast, clean and powerful graphics composition engine.
- The Unity 7 packages will still be available in the archives. The Unity 8 packages have also been used by third party developers is considering forking it.
In the meanwhile, Canonical is laying off some staffs that has been working on Unity.
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