How to install Parrot security OS 3.1.1
To install parrot security OS 3.1.1
Parrot Security OS is used to perform penetration tests, Vulnerability Assessment, Computer Forensics and Anonymous Surfing. It is used mainly in the forensic department. This article explains the installation of Parrot security OS.
To install Parrot OS
Download Parrot OS latest version from its official site,
Boot it over the DVD or USB. The Parrot installation page appears as follows, hit install to proceed further.
Then choose the type of installation to be performed. For example, we are choosing the Standard installer.
Choose your preferred language.
Set the location and press enter.
Configure your keyboard settings by choosing the type of keyboard you want to use.
Create a root password and click continue.
To create a new user
Set new user and password for the Parrot OS. Enter a user name.
Set password for the user.
Select manual partition to create a partition of your own.
Choose your hard disk and press enter.
Click yes to proceed further.
Create a partition table by picking the hard disks free space.
Now click Create new partition and press enter.
Specify the size of the main mount point and press continue.
Choose the type of partition.
Then set the location for the partition.
Verify the partition settings and select “ done setting up the partition” .
To create a swap partition, click create new partition.
Specify a size for the swap partition and make sure that it is twice your RAM size.
Choose your partition type.
Set the location for the new partition.
Verify your system partition details.
Then select the swap area for the partition table.
Now choose done setting up the partition.
Click Finish partitioning and write changes to disk.
Click yes to confirm and proceed further.
Now installation starts.
Select yes to install grub boot loader.
Choose your hard disk for grub installation.
Once the installation is successfully completed, click continue and then reboot the system.
After rebooting, enter into the Parrot OS using the login credentials.
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