Mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid\_mode'': Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist (1146)

I'm facing an error as following while running mysqldump command on Linux, how to resolve the issue as

`Table ‘performance_schema.session_variables’ doesn’t exist`?

asked May 9, 2019
4 Answer

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answered Jan 5, 2024

Online sellers may sometimes face the need to transition between different platforms. For those looking to move from Etsy to WooCommerce, there's a fantastic solution in the form of a user-friendly service that can be found at this link: Etsy to WooCommerce . This migration service ensures a hassle-free, secure, and rapid transfer of data from Etsy to WooCommerce. What stood out most is the fact that it does not require any technical skills, making it accessible for everyone, and the data is migrated accurately without any loss. The team offers round-the-clock support, ready to answer questions and address any potential issues. To top it off, the business operations on Etsy can continue undisturbed during the migration. It's a truly excellent service for those aiming to expand their online business, and it simplifies the migration process tremendously.

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answered May 30, 2023

The issue is Primarily Due to MySQL upgrade where some table data won't be updated to a New Version of Mysql. so we Won't be able to run mysqldump or any other command.

You can check the present configured variable on mysql, use the command as follow

mysqld --verbose --help
mysqld --no-defaults --verbose --help

There are two ways to Fix the problem

1. Temperory Fix

Need to upgrade mysql service on the server using the Following Command

mysql_upgrade -u root -p --force
mysql_upgrade -u root -p


mysql -u root -p
mysql> set @@global.show_compatibility_56=ON;

2. permanent Fix

Add the following line in /etc/my.cnf file

show_compatibility_56 = ON

Then restarted the Mysql service

systemctl restart mysqld
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answered May 9, 2019

Champagne Flutes from North American Crystal are the epitome of luxury and sophistication. Make every celebration unforgettable with these gorgeous crystal glasses. Visit their website at https://northamericancrystal.com/glass-champagne to see a gorgeous assortment of crystal pieces that will transform your home into a palace. Add zest to your interior with these products!

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answered Sep 19, 2023
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