How to Create RDS in AWS
To Create RDS on AWS
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) allows users to set up, operate, and scale their relational databases in the cloud. While automating time-consuming administration tasks like hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups, it provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity. The user can experience fast performance, high availability, security, and compatibility without having to focus on the applications. Let's create RDS on AWS using the tutorial below.
Step 1: Switch browser and login into your account. This is the AWS console
Step 2: Then, click on services and search for RDS and then select RDS
Step 3: Click on create a database, for creating a new database
Step 4: Select the method to create a database. Then select standard to create for testing purpose
Step 5: Select the MySQL engine
Step 6: Now, select the version of MySQL. Here I am selecting the default version. Also, select the template and a free tier template is selected for further process
Step 7: Then, the database and credentials process are carried out
Step 8: Here you can define the storage of the DB. The default value for storage is 20 GB. So, by disabling the autoscaling, I am working on default 20 GB storage
Step 9: Now, this is the connectivity configuration part. Here configure your VPC Subnet Group, Security group, and availability zone
Step 10: Then, click on create Database
Step 11: The Database has been created. Now click on the Database to view the details
Step 12: Now, I am going to access the DB, for that, I am launching the DB. Now, the DB is launched
Step 13: Now, access the DB for that I am copying the Endpoint from the DB
Step 14: Now, paste the Endpoint to the instance and execute the command. To enter into the DB, enter the password
Step 15: Now, I successfully logged in to the database.
We have reached the end of this article. In this guide, we have walked you through the steps required to Create RDS on AWS. Your feedback is much welcome.
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