asked May 16 2019
To confirm the existence of Vmware Tools on Ubuntu 19.04, give the following commandls /usr/sbin/vmtoolsd
If it doesn't show you any result,it implies the installation of vmware tools has to be done.
To Check the version of VMware tools On Ubuntu 19.04,/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd -v
The output is shown below:
root@user-linuxhelp:~# /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd -v (build-12406962)
asked May 16 2019
edited May 27 2019
How to find the version of VMWare Tools On Ubuntu 19.04
Hello. I have just installed VMware tools, how to find the version of VMware tools on Ubuntu 19.04 and also how to confirm that VMware tools presence On Ubuntu 19.04?