asked Jan 09 2018
The error itself shows that adminer.php file was not found on your server, so you need to check for the file adminer.php on your server in adminer directory. It may be removed or renamed, so try to fix it by re-download adminer.php or rename the file (if it is already inside your server in different name) or you don't actually have to rename the file if you rename your link from adminer.php to something (obviously the file name you have in your server inside your adminer directory, it could be latest.php or anything else)
asked Jan 11 2018
edited Oct 05 2018
Hey thanks a lot, now i got my adminer working good
asked Jan 12 2018
edited Oct 05 2018
Adminer Not Found
Hi, I was trying to install adminer on my Ubuntu machine, and i got the following error when i call it via my web browser
how to solve this issue? please guide me