Did you know that 40% of VirtualMachines in Azure are running Linux?

Linux is gaining so much of popularity among the Microsoft Azure users as it is found that around 40% of Microsoft’ s Azure VMs now run Linux distributions. The speculation arose after a tweet made by Microsoft Developer UK twitter account. The information was indeed retweeted by Linuxing community manager Brian Byrne.

The lastest information on Linux' s popularity in the Microsoft' s camp suggest that there seem to be a 7% increase since last year, in June 2016, when Microsoft announced that one out of every three Azure VMs is running Linux.

Users of Microsoft’ s popular cloud computing service can choose between various supported Linux distributions like CentOS, CoreOS, Debian, Oracle Linux, RHEL, SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.

Earlier this year, the company also added support for Intel’ s Clear Linux. And now, users can also load Kali Linux on their Azure virtual machines.

Tag : Linux Azure
Are there any resource group name requirements for VirtualMachines in Azure?
Yes. The resource group name can be a maximum of 90 characters in length. See Naming conventions rules and restrictions for more information about resource groups as "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/best-practices/naming-conventions#naming-rules-and-restrictions"
What are the password requirements when creating a VM?
Passwords must be 12 - 123 characters in length and meet 3 out of the following 4 complexity requirements:

Have lower characters
Have upper characters
Have a digit
Have a special character (Regex match [\W_])

The following passwords are not allowed:
abc@123 iloveyou! P@$$w0rd P@ssw0rd P@ssword123
Pa$$word pass@word1 Password! Password1 Password22
Can I upload a virtual machine to Azure?
Yes. For instructions, see Migrating on-premises VMs to Azure as refer the following link as given below "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/on-prem-to-azure"
Can I add an existing VM to an availability set?
No. If you want your VM to be part of an availability set, you need to create the VM within the set. There currently isn't a way to add a VM to an availability set after it has been created.
What can I run on an Azure VM?
All subscribers can run server software on an Azure virtual machine. For information about the support policy for running Microsoft server software in Azure, see Microsoft server software support for Azure Virtual Machines

Certain versions of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 are available to MSDN Azure benefit subscribers and MSDN Dev and Test Pay-As-You-Go subscribers, for development and test tasks. For details, including instructions and limitations, see Windows Client images for MSDN subscribers.