DDoS attacks are on the rise again after a long span of decline

Last year it appeared that DDoS attacks were on the decline but new research from Kaspersky Lab has revealed that the number of attacks actually increased significantly during the first quarter of 2019.

New research from Kaspersky Lab has revealed that DDoS is significantly increased during the first quarter of 2019, although it appeared to have declined last year. The researchers thought that the cybercriminals had shifted gears to other kinds of attack methods such as crypto mining.

The statistics for Q1 2019, though, contradicts the trends and shows that the number of DDoS attacks blocked by Kaspersky Lab's DDoS Protection actually grew by a staggering 84 percent when compared to Q4 2018. Interestingly, according to Kaspersky Lab security researchers, the reason for the decline in the DDoS attacks last year was because several DDoS marketplaces were taken down. But, as the new DDoS-for-Hire websites rose up, the attacks started to spring up.

Business development manager on the Kaspersky DDoS Protection team Alexey Kiselev explained how the DDoS attack market has evolved, saying:

“The DDoS attack market is changing. New DDoS services appear to have replaced ones shut down by law enforcement agencies. As organizations implement basic countermeasures, attackers target them with long-lasting attacks. It is difficult to say if the number of attacks will continue to grow, but their complexity is showing no signs of slowing down. We recommend that organizations prepare themselves effectively, in order to withstand sophisticated DDoS attacks.”

In order to prevent potential victims from a DDoS attack, Kaspesky Lab, the Kaspersky Lab recommends the organizations to ensure web and IT resources to handle high traffic and that professional solutions are employed to counter these types of attacks.

Tag : DDoS