How to install Sweet Home 3D - An interior design application

To install Sweet Home 3D in Ubuntu

Sweet Home 3D is an open source, interior designing tool. This application is used to customize your home and it gives a clear preview of the customization made. Installation of Sweet Home 3D is explained in this manual.

To install Sweet Home 3D

Run the following command to install Sweet Home 3D by a simple download.

For 32 Bit Systems

root@linuxhelp:~# wget  

For 64 Bit Systems

root@linuxhelp:~# wget 
--2016-08-23 11:40:42--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 48358614 (46M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘ SweetHome3D-4.6-linux-x64.tgz’ 

SweetHome3D-4.6-linux-x64.tgz              100%[==========================================================================================> ]  46.12M   570KB/s   in 3m 27s 

2016-08-23 11:44:16 (228 KB/s) - ‘ SweetHome3D-4.6-linux-x64.tgz’  saved [48358614/48358614]

Once the download has been completed, extract the package to the home directory.

root@linuxhelp:~# tar -xzvf SweetHome3D-4.6-linux-x64.tgz  

Run the script file from the extracted directory to launch the Sweet Home 3D application.

root@linuxhelp:~# cd SweetHome3D-4.6/
root@linuxhelp:~/SweetHome3D-4.6# ls 
root@linuxhelp:~/SweetHome3D-4.6# ./SweetHome3D 
23 Aug, 2016 11:47:59 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
Java 3D: implicit antialiasing enabled

Now you can see the application. Here you can see four columns separated in the work space.
Right Side Top &ndash 2 Dimensional View
Right Side Bottom &ndash 3 Dimensional View
Left side Top &ndash Furnitures and Items

Left Side Bottom &ndash Summary of Items you have selected to build your home

Just a simple drag and drop will place the items in your preferred location in the 2D Panel. Then it displays the 3D view of the image.

To create walls, right click on 2D panel and choose “ Create Walls”

The wall you have created appears as follows.

To create rooms, click create rooms.

Draw a line along with your walls to create a floor.

Create separate rooms by creating walls in between the walls.

Now its time to start with the interior.

To rotate an image click and drag in the corner shown below and rotate.

Place the door as per your requirement.

What are the minimum system requirements to run Sweet Home 3D?
Sweet Home 3D may be run under Windows 98 to Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) to 10.13 (High Sierra), various Linux systems and Solaris. Your computer should have at least a processor running at 400 MHz, 256 MB and a graphics card with its driver updated (it runs slowly but successfully on an iMac DV).
Note that Sweet Home 3D offline installer doesn't run under Windows 98 (SP1 or SP2). Under that system, you can install Sweet Home 3D only with Java Web Start, meaning you must install Java first, then click on the link Launch Sweet Home 3D with Java Web Start.
I got the message Sweet Home 3D will exit now because of a fatal error in 3D rendering system. What can I do?
This is a problem due to the configuration of your graphics card.
Under Windows:

First, if you use Windows 7 or a previous version of Windows, open the Display Properties pane by right-clicking on the desktop screen and choosing Properties item in the menu. In that pane, display the Settings tab, and click on the Advanced button. Then in the Troubleshoot tab of the pane that opened, check the Hardware acceleration cursor is at its maximum on Full, confirm your choice and try to run Sweet Home 3D again.
If the previous operation didn't resolve your problem, update the OpenGL and DirectX drivers of your graphics card with the latest available ones, and try to run Sweet Home 3D again.
If this update still doesn't fix your problem and you use a 64-bit system, install a JRE 32 bit (installer noted x86), then click on this link to run Sweet Home 3D 32 bit with Java Web Start (32-bit drivers are sometimes more stable than their 64-bit counterpart).
If running Sweet Home 3D with the previous link didn't resolve your issue, click on this link to run Sweet Home 3D with Java Web Start and the DirectX version of the Java 3D library (DirectX version may work only under the 32-bit version of Java).
Finally, if this last solution doesn't work, you may still want to use Sweet Home 3D without 3D features, by reading the answer to the next question.

Under Linux:

Update the drivers of your graphics card with the latest available ones, and try to run Sweet Home 3D again.
Try to run the script SweetHome3D-Java3D-1_5_2 which is available in the Linux installer and runs with an older version of Java 3D.
If this solution doesn't work, you may still want to use Sweet Home 3D without 3D features, by reading the answer to the next question.
How can I disable 3D features in Sweet Home 3D?
Since version 3.2, you may disable at Sweet Home 3D launch the features that need the 3D capabilities of your computer. Thus, you get Sweet Home 2D application which runs without any 3D view, without a 3D view menu, without the capability to render photos, create videos and import individual pieces of furniture; but you can still draw and layout furniture in the 2D plan without problems, SH3D files created with this version are compatible with Sweet Home 3D ones and you can import furniture libraries.
To install and run Sweet Home 2D with Java Web Start, install Java and click on this link (Sweet Home 3D and Sweet Home 2D may be installed on the same computer if needed). You may also run Sweet Home 2D by downloading the Jar executable version of Sweet Home 3D and executing the java -Dcom.eteks.sweethome3d.no3D=true -jar path/to/SweetHome3D-5.7.jar command.
Sweet Home 3D crashes when I want to edit preferences, print, create a photo or create a video. What can I do?
This issue happens mostly on a few Linux computers when Sweet Home 3D checks whether computing offscreen 3D images is supported by Java 3D on your computer. This feature is required to compute the top view of furniture in the plan, to print the 3D view and to manage the two lowest photo and video quality levels. If Sweet Home 3D detects offscreen 3D images aren't supported by your system, it automatically disables the features based on it, but sometimes, the detection test itself makes Sweet Home 3D crash! To launch a version of Sweet Home 3D which avoids this test and disables the features depending on offscreen 3D images, add the Java option -Dcom.eteks.sweethome3d.j3d.checkOffScreenSupport=false to the java command in Linux SweetHome3D script, or click on this Java Web Start link as ""
Do we hae to enable 3D on system graphics?
No it automatically utililze the system graphics