How to install Slack -3.0.5 on Solus -3
To install Slack -3.0.5 on Solus -3
Slack is a Cloud-based software that provides a team collaboration tool and services, founded by Stewart Butterfield. Slack offers a lot of IRC-like (Internet Relay Chat) features such as persistent chat room channel organized by topic. Slack can be searchable including files, conversation, and people. It' s having a major integration include services such as Google Drive, DropBox, IBM Bluemix. It is really so simple to install Slack and this tutorial covers the method to install Slack on Solus 3.
Installing Slack
First, make sure you update the system by making use of the following command.
root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg update-repo
Updating repository: Solus
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 630.15 KB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
eopkg-index.xml.xz (1.7 MB)100% 678.33 KB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
No signature found for
Package database updated.
Once it is done, you need to download the latest and stable installation package with the help of the following command.
root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg bi --ignore-safety
pspec.xml (5.0 KB)100% 35.16 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete] (440.0 B)100% 6.45 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
DEBUG: InstallDB initialized in 0.0622429847717.
DEBUG: RepoDB initialized in 0.00012993812561.
Building source package: slack-desktop
component.xml (42.0 B)100% 338.65 KB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Fetching source from:
slack-desktop-3.0.5-amd64.deb (53.1 MB)100% 1.10 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Source archive is stored: /var/cache/eopkg/archives/slack-desktop-3.0.5-amd64.deb
Unpacking archive(s)...
unpacked (/var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/work)
Setting up source...
DEBUG: return value for " pwd" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " ar xf slack-desktop-3.0.5-amd64.deb" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " tar xf data.tar.xz" is 0
Building source...
Testing package...
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/runas/build/Release/runas.node" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@slack/slack-calls/build/Release/slack-calls.node" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@paulcbetts/cld/build/Release/cld.node" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@paulcbetts/spellchecker/build/Release/spellchecker.node" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@paulcbetts/v8-profiler/build/Release/profiler.node" is 0
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/slack-desktop-3.0.5-17/install/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@paulcbetts/system-idle-time/build/Release/system_idle_time.node" is 0
Building package: slack-desktop
Creating slack-desktop-3.0.5-17-1-x86_64.eopkg...
Keeping build directory
You shall now install Slack by making use of the following command.
root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg it slack-desktop*.eopkg
The following packages will be installed in order to satisfy dependencies:
Do you want to continue? (yes/no)y
Safety switch forces the upgrade of following packages:
baselayout zlib
Following packages will be installed:
baselayout gconf zlib
Total size of package(s): 891.00 KB
Downloading 1 / 3
Package zlib found in repository Solus
zlib-1.2.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg (46.0 KB)100% 34.94 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Downloading 2 / 3
Package baselayout found in repository Solus (5.0 KB)100% 70.67 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Downloading 3 / 3
Package gconf found in repository Solus
gconf-3.2.6-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (839.0 KB)100% 1.10 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Installing 1 / 3
zlib-1.2.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached]
Installing zlib, version 1.2.11, release 18
Installing 2 / 3 [cached]
Installing baselayout, version 1.8.0, release 49
Upgrading to new distribution release
Extracting the files of baselayout
Upgraded baselayout
Installing 3 / 3
gconf-3.2.6-9-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached]
Installing gconf, version 3.2.6, release 9
Extracting the files of gconf
Installed gconf
[✓] Syncing filesystems success
[✓] Updating dynamic library cache success
[✓] Updating mimetype database success
[✓] Updating manpages database success
Installation order: slack-desktop
Installing slack-desktop, version 3.0.5, release 17
Extracting the files of slack-desktop
Installed slack-desktop
[✓] Syncing filesystems success
[✓] Updating dynamic library cache success
[✓] Updating desktop database success
Once you are through with the installation, you shall go to your Linux Mint search field.
And type the name Slack in the search field.
When the application icon appears, you need to click on it to launch Slack.
To open Login page of Slack, here give your Slack URL
Give the email address of the Slack account
And then give your password.
The Slack application is now properly open.
You can check the information on Slack by checking out its version.
With this, the method to install Slack 3.0.5 on Solus 3 comes to an end.
Some of the tokens you'll be given while going through the integration creation process. Other tokens you obtain by sending users through the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow.
When you're working with Slack apps, you'll be awarded access tokens after a user approves your application.
It's best to keep your integration or app's ownership contained within the workspace that is responsible for it.
Start by building a Slack app to contain all of your work -- by default, it can only (& easily!) be installed on your own workspace. Follow the UI instructions to add features — most require that you provide a HTTP server Slack can reach.
You can use all of these integration types together in your Slack app.
Incoming webhooks - send messages to a channel at will by using a specific URL. Best used when activity that would incite posting a message occurs in a remote service.
Example: If you have an issue tracking system and want to post to a channel when a bug is created or resolved, use an incoming webhook invoked from your issue tracking system.
Slash commands - members execute slash commands from within Slack, resulting in us triggering your server to return them a message. The message can either be displayed only to the executing user, or to the channel from which it was triggered.
Example: Your slash command allows users to create and resolve bugs from the Slack command line with either action resulting in a message being displayed to that channel.
Note: This process is strongly preferred over the use of deprecated verification tokens.
You can also use Mutual TLS. Mutual TLS verifies the identity of Slack in a TLS-terminating server, before a request reaches your application code as ""