How to install LXDE Light Weight Desktop Environment in Linux

To install LXDE Light Weight Desktop Environment on Ubuntu

LXDE is a light weight desktop environment for Linux distributions. This article will explain you how to install LXDE Desktop on Ubuntu.

To update the repositories, run the following command.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-get update
Hit wily InRelease
Get:1 wily-updates InRelease [65.9 kB]           
Hit wily-backports InRelease                     
Hit wily/main Sources                            
Hit wily-backports/universe i386 Packages        
Hit wily-backports/multiverse i386 Packages      
Hit wily-backports/main Translation-en           
Hit wily-backports/multiverse Translation-en     
Hit wily-backports/restricted Translation-en     
Hit wily-backports/universe Translation-en       
Fetched 1,520 kB in 49s (30.7 kB/s)                                           
Reading package lists... Done

Run the following command to install LXDE.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-get install dialog xorg lxde-core -y
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
dialog is already the newest version.
dialog set to manually installed.
xorg is already the newest version.
The following extra packages will be installed:
  giblib1 gksu libfm-data libfm-extra4 libfm-gtk-data libfm-gtk4 libfm-modules
  libfm4 libgif4 libgksu2-0 libglade2-0 libid3tag0 libimlib2 libjpeg-progs
  libjpeg-turbo-progs libkeybinder0 libmenu-cache-bin libmenu-cache3
Setting up xscreensaver (5.30-1ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for gconf2 (3.2.6-3ubuntu5) ...
Setting up gksu (2.0.2-9ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.21-0ubuntu4) ...

After installation, logout from your current desktop.

Click the Ubuntu Icon to change the Desktop Environment and choose “ LXDE

Now click the icon in task bar to access the applications.

To View files, Go to Accessories &rarr Files.

To Open Terminal, go to System tools &rarr UXTerm

To open File Manager, click the file manager icon in the task bar.

To open web browser, click the browser icon in the task bar.

To switch between work spaces, use the desktop icon.

To configure Network Interface, click network icon.

To change Desktop Background, right click and select Desktop preferences.

How can we logout from your current desktop?
Follow the instructions
*After installation, logout from your current desktop.
*Click the Ubuntu Icon to change the Desktop Environment and choose &ldquo LXDE&rdquo
*Click the Ubuntu Icon to change the Desktop Environment and choose &ldquo LXDE&rdquo
What's the name LXDE means?
LXDE is the abbrevation of Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, and also LX means LinuX.
How can I use window manager other than Openbox?
Use the following commands
Simply edit /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/default with a text editor, and replace openbox with your favorite window manager.
How do I make an application autostart on LXDE launch?
For system wide you edit the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart, for user specific application launches (the more common way) you just add a .desktop file to ~/.config/autostart or add the commands to .config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart.
How to install LXDE Light Weight Desktop Environment on Ubuntu?
Run the following command to install LXDE.

# apt-get install dialog xorg lxde-core