How to install CMS made simple 2.2.7 on Linux Mint 18.3

To install CMS Made Simple 2.2.7 on Linux Mint 18.3

CMS Made Simple is an open source content management system, based on PHP and MySQL. With CMS Made Simple virtually anyone can create a professional website and manage its content regardless of experience level. It is so simple to install CMS Made Simple on Linux Mint 18.3, and this tutorial covers the ground on the same process.


Install LAMP (Apache, php7.2, MariaDB-server)
In MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)


add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php 
apt-get update 
apt-get  install php 7.2 libapache2-mod-php 7.2 php 7.2-common php 7.2-mbstring php 7.2-xmlrpc php 7.2-soap php 7.2-gd php 7.2-xml php 7.2-intl 
php 7.2-mysql php 7.2-cli php 7.2-mcrypt php 7.2-zip php 7.2-curl

Installing CMS Made Simple 2.2.7

First, we have to edit the php.ini file in the following manner.

linuxhelp ~ # vim /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
max_execution_time = 180
max_execution_time = 180= 256M
post_max_size = 20M
upload_max_file_size = 100M

We have to download the cms made a simple package using wget command.

linuxhelp ~ # wget
--2018-04-28 06:13:52--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4870827 (4.6M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’  100%[=================================> ]   4.64M  --.-KB/s    in 0.1s    

2018-04-28 06:14:01 (41.0 MB/s) - ‘’  saved [4870827/4870827]

After downloading we have to extract and rename the download directory.

linuxhelp ~ # ls
linuxhelp ~ # unzip -d made
  inflating: made/cmsms-2.2.7-install.php  
  inflating: made/README-PHAR.TXT    
linuxhelp ~ # ls  made

here we have to move the made directory into the /var/www/html directory.

linuxhelp ~ # mv made/ /var/www/html/

Go to /var/www/html directory.

linuxhelp ~ # cd /var/www/html/
linuxhelp html # ls
index.html  made

We have to change ownership and permission for the made directory.

linuxhelp html # chown -R www-data:www-data made/   chmod -R 775 made/

We have to configure the virtual host for cms made simple cms. Create an empty file named made.conf.

linuxhelp html # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
linuxhelp sites-available # vim made.conf 

[&hellip ]
< virtualhost *:80> 
Documentroot  /var/www/html/made/
< Directory /var/www/html/made/> 
order allow,deny
allow from all
< /Directory> 
< /virtualhost> 
 [&hellip ]      

Enable the made.conf file.

linuxhelp sites-available # a2ensite made.conf 
Enabling site made.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
service apache2 reload

Enable the rewrite module.

linuxhelp sites-available # a2enmod rewrite 
Enabling module rewrite.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
service apache2 restart

After that, we have to make an entry to the host' s file as follows.

linuxhelp sites-available # vim /etc/hosts
< give your local ip address>    <  give your domain name> 

Finally, restart the apache web server.

linuxhelp sites-available # systemctl restart apache2.service 

Now you can proceed the further installation and configuration from the browser by navigating to the following URL: http://< ipaddress or domain name.

You need to configure the setup of CMS made simple as follows. configure the installation process by choosing language and other basic setup required for installation.

Choose the destination directory to find the existing software.

Verify the compatibility info as follows.

Next, configure the database information and proceed further.

Now set up the admin user setup as follows.

And then configure the site details.

Now the application files get installed.

After that, you will configure the database work as follows.

Now the setup is finished. verify the configuration and login to the admin panel.

Now, log in using the admin user credential which you created during configuration.

After the successful login, you will see the admin dashboard of Cms made simple as shown here

With this, the method to install cms made simple V 2.2.7 on Linuxmint 18.03 comes to an end.

What knowledge do I need?
To take advantage of CMS Made Simple, you should have at a minimum a basic understanding of:

Creating Databases, and backing up / restoring databases.
Working with, and transferring files to a remote host
Manipulating permissions on remote hosts
Is CMS Made Simple really "simple"?
Yes it is, particularly for editors once the site is created. Many of our experienced users find it a simple tool for developing those sorts of sites. However, as a developer using CMSMS, that does not mean there isn't a learning curve. You will at the least need to learn our vocabulary, explore the package and its options, experiment, and probably do considerable learning.
how to download CMS made in ubuntu terminal?
you can download the CMS by following command
# wget
What is a Content Management System?
A Content Management System is a web application, usually run on a web server, to help create and maintain a website. It allows developers to design and build a professional website using their web development skills, but also provides tools to help the layman maintain content without needing those skills.
Why CMS Made Simple™?
CMS Made Simple™ is an open source (GPL) package first released in July 2004. It’s built using PHP and MySQL and provides website developers with a simple yet powerful utility to allow building easy to update semi-static websites and applications with dozens to hundreds of pages.