To create an SNS service, first, create a topic and click the next step
Now, select the type and enter the Display Name
Then, click on encryption. To make the SNS service secure, you have to enable encryption. Here it is left as a default setting
Then, click the delivery retry policy. Here, if anything wants to be changed from the default configuration, uncheck the box and apply the changes
Then, click delivery to status logging. Here, I am creating an IAM role. For that, click on create a new service role
Change the policy to what you want. Here, I am leaving it as the default name. Then click create
Now, click on create a topic. The topic is created.
Then, to create subscriptions, click subscriptions and click create subscription
Select the topic name and select the protocol here. I am selecting Email, and I am entering the valid Email address. Now click create subscription
The subscription is created. But still, the status is pending. To change the status, you need to switch to your Gmail and there you can receive mail from AWS. Then, open the mail and click confirm subscription
Now, switch to AWS console. Refresh the page, and then it is seen that the status is confirmed
Now, I want to send messages to the user using the SNS. For that, go to topics and click Linux help. Now, click on publish message
Here, enter the subject of the message and enter the message body and click publish message
Now, go to mail, and there you can receive the message from the AWS. Open it.
With this method, the tutorial on how to create SNS on AWS comes to an end.