How to Create Elastic Transcoder on AWS

To create Elastic Transcoder on AWS


Amazon Elastic Transcoder is media transcoding in the cloud. It is designed to be a highly scalable, easy to use and a cost-effective way for developers and businesses to convert (or “transcode”) media files from their source format into versions that will playback on devices like smartphones, tablets and PCs. In this tutorial we will see about to create Elastic Transcode on AWS.


First of all, you need to switch your AWS console and login your account Now I will create two S3 bucket for the Elastic Transcoder. For that you need to S3 console This the dashboard of the S3 bucket. Here I have to create two buckets and put some media file on input bucket Click Input bucket and click upload and click add files select the file which you need to put

Now I will create transcoder so that click services and search elastic transcoder then click on it On this dashboard I will create an pipeline so click create a new pipeline enter the pipeline name and select the input bucket Select the output transport bucket and select the storage class Then you need to configure the Thumbnail for that select the bucket and storage class the click create pipeline Once the pipeline is created then you need to create a job for the Transcoder for that click create new job

Select the Pipeline and enter the output key prefix Configure the Input details Then configure the Output details If you need any watermarks you can assign here then click create new job Here the job has been created and status also completed. Then go the S3 console Then click the output bucket there you can see the folder open the folder. Inside the folder you can see the media file has been converted and stored here With this method to create Elastic Transcoder on AWS is comes to end.

How many jobs can I submit?
Currently, we allow a maximum of 100,000 jobs per pipeline. Once you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Rate Limit Exception.
How do I retrieve my media files from Amazon S3?
You can retrieve files from Amazon S3 programmatically, using the AWS Management Console or a third party tool. You can also mark Amazon S3 objects as public and download them directly from Amazon S3.
Can I use the AWS Management Console with Amazon Elastic Transcoder?
Yes. Amazon Elastic Transcoder has a console that is accessed through the AWS Management Console. You can use our console to create pipelines, jobs, and presets as well as manage and view existing pipelines and jobs.
How do I use Amazon Elastic Transcoder?
To use Amazon Elastic Transcoder you need to have at least one media file in an Amazon S3 bucket. The easiest way to use Amazon Elastic Transcoder is to try it through the console. Create a transcoding pipeline that connects the input Amazon S3 bucket to the output Amazon S3 bucket.
What is Amazon Elastic Transcoder?
Amazon Elastic Transcoder is a highly scalable, easy to use and cost effective way for developers and businesses to convert (or “transcode”) video and audio files from their source format into versions that will playback on devices like smartphones, tablets and PCs.