How to change the default port number with the basic configuration on Netdata in Linux Mint 20

To change the default port number with using basic configuration on Netdata in Linux Mint 20


Netdata is an open-source tool designed to collect real-time metrics including CPU usage, Disk activity, Bandwidth, and display lively and easy to interpret charts. This tool is designed to visualize activity in the greatest possible detail. It allows the user to overview what is happening and what happened in the system or application.

Configuration procedure:

Check the version of the linux mint.

root@LinuxHelp:~# cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="20 (Ulyana)"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 20"

Enter in to the following location to configure the port number

root@LinuxHelp:~# cd /etc/netdata/

configuration the netdata.conf file

root@LinuxHelp:~# vim netdata.conf

After you enter into the configuration file search default port and enter your port number

default port = 31799

Once the configuration is completed then restart the Netdata service

root@LinuxHelp:~# systemctl restart netdata

Now allow the port to the firewall

root@LinuxHelp:~# ufw allow 31799/tcp
Rules updated
Rules updated (v6)
root@LinuxHelp:~# ufw allow 31799/udp
Rules updated
Rules updated (v6)

Once the port updated then restart the firewall service

root@LinuxHelp:~# systemctl restart ufw

This is the Dashboard page of Netdata With this method to change the default port number with basic configuration on Netdata in Linux Mint 20 is comes to an end.

What is the command used to restart the Netdata service?
The command is # systemctl restart netdata
What is the command to enable the port to the firewall for UDP?
The command is # ufw allow (port)/UDP
What is the command to enable the port to the firewall for TCP?
The command is # ufw allow (port)/tcp
Which location you configure the port number on Netdata?
The location is /etc/netdadta/netdata.conf
What is netdata?
Netdata is an open-source tool designed to collect real-time metrics including CPU usage, Disk activity, Bandwidth, and display lively and easy to interpret charts. This tool is designed to visualize activity in the greatest possible detail. It allows the user to overview what is happening and what happened in the system or application.