AWS vs AZURE Comparison

AWS vs AZURE Overview


In this we will compare AWS and Azure: As more and more organizations move to multi-cloud, feature-by-feature comparisons between the top cloud providers are becoming crucial for determining which platform will ultimately be the best fit. We know it can be a challenge to research each provider’s extensive product portfolio, so we’ve compiled the most common elements to help you cross-identify comparable services across AWS, Microsoft Azure, Like for example we say Samsung's cloud currently relies 60% on Amazon Web Services, reports SamMobile, while the remaining 40% is outsourced to other providers.

What is AWS?

AWS is a cloud computing service designed by Amazon which provides services in the form of building blocks that can be used to create and deploy any application in the cloud. AWS was marketed with a modern cloud infrastructure service when it launched Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud in August 2006.

What is Azure?

Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure, is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers The Azure cloud platform is more than 200 products and cloud services designed to help you bring new solutions to life—to solve today's challenges and create the future. Build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge, with the tools and frameworks of your choice.

When AWS was launched?

AWS Launched in 2006 and has more experience in the cloud computing field than any other including Microsoft azure.

When AZURE was launched?

On the other hand, launched in 2010 azure has to provide a new competitive environment to AWS. So now on we will move to see the factors which differentiate both of these cloud platforms from each other and it's also the same for azure also but due to the large gap of launch in the market AWS grep the market in its way more than azure. So if we little bit goes in deep AWS has 77 availability zone within 24 geographical location Whereas azure has 60 availability zones in whooping 60 geographical location Aws is hosting in multiple locations worldwide each group of logical data centre an Availability Zone. Each AWS Region consists of multiple, isolated, and physically separate AZ's within a geographic area. An Availability Zone (AZ) is one or more discrete data centre with redundant power, networking, and connectivity in an AWS Region. AZ’s give customers the ability to operate production applications and databases that are more highly available, fault-tolerant, and scalable than would be possible from a single data centre. All traffic between AZ’s is encrypted. Microsoft Azure services are available globally to drive your cloud operations at an optimal level. You can choose the best region for your needs based on technical and regulatory considerations: service capabilities, data residency, compliance requirements, and latency.

What is market share?

the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product. So if we talk about the most recent the AWS hai 32 percent of market share facing all other its competitor and there is no any other cloud service is having place between two of them

So IF YOU CHECK THE GOOGLE TRENDS SO FRO MWATCHNG ALL THESE STATS YOU CAN FIGURE OUT THAT AWS is more keep in touch with people. so this result shows that AWS is more popular than azure to win.

So AWS is in the first place as a cloud provider is that it obviously has bigger community support and trust across its clients This is the reason that AWS has high profile customers as like No doubt azure is not that behind. 80% of fortune 500 companies have put their faith in azure. some of its major clients are So now let's see the services which are provided on the cloud platform Service provided by AWS so let's talk about the service of AWS

Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is the world’s most popular cloud object storage solution due to its durability, availability, and scalability. S3 cost calculations are far from simple

  • Compute services. Amazon EC2
  • Storage amazon
    S3 azure blob
  • Database amazon Amazon dynamo Db
  • Networking amazon vpc
  • Security and identity Aws IAM

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is a service that lets you launch AWS resources in a logically isolated virtual network that you define. AWS iam is identity access management from here you can create users and groups and set permission to every user what service they can use. So in the case of azures

  • Compute services. Azure VM
  • Storage services RDS Azure SQL
  • Networking Azure vnet
  • Security and identity Azure AD & RBAC Comparing costs between AWS, Azure is difficult. Each provider updates its pricing model multiple times a year in response to both market trends and business strategy, and to ensure they are staying competitive with one another. One of the most effective ways to reduce your cloud spend is by rightsizing your infrastructure

On-Demand Azure VMs / Amazon EC2 Instances As you can see below, for mid-range instances with 4 CPUs and 16 GB of memory, Azure has a price advantage across both Linux and Windows. The advantage is maintained across most other instance sizes.

pros and cons for AWS

The advantage of AWS is its immense dominance over the market because it debuted first in the market. It has a more mature set of services. That said, the disadvantage of AWS is its pricing. It prices itself as the Ace in a pack of cards. It is not at all cheap.

It’s much strength overshadows its weaknesses and is leading the board for years for the services it provides.

Pros and Cons for Azure

Azure is a relatively younger cloud platform. But what comes to the advantage of Azure is that it grew from what it already had. Microsoft took its pre-existing on-premises solutions to the cloud. So the point here is if you are already familiar with Microsoft solutions like Sharepoint, SQL Server, Office, etc you will find it easier to use.

Also, many organizations already use Microsoft services so, it is easy to adapt and integrate. Also, existing Microsoft customers get amazing discounts on Azure.

The only con with Azure is it is newer in the market which can be seen through its enterprise performance. In short, it is less enterprise-ready.


Azure and AWS are both well-respected members of the cloud domain. So, getting back to where it started. Which one is better between AWS vs azure? The answer here is, it clearly relies on your organizational requirements. We have made it easy by curating a list of comparison points and let you choose wisely.

Certification Choose:

Ultimately, the choice is yours. If you want to get certified in a cloud technology that is the most popular today, go for AWS. It’s ahead of any other cloud service provider in terms of market share and will probably continue to top the charts. Most employers will be glad to talk to you if you have an AWS certification but aren’t certified in Azure. IN caseyour dream job require an Azure certification? Do you have all the necessary requirements except proficiency in Azure? Then getting certified in this technology is a safe bet and you can stop worrying whether you should drop your passion and go for the more popular technology. Don’t forget that even though AWS is the leading technology right now. But Azure does have a third of the market, so it’s a great option as well. A whole 16,000 positions on Indeed will welcome an Azure certification holder. Most of those will be open to a person with an AWS certification as well, but if you want to study Azure, it can land you a job. AWS may be leading Azure in terms of the availability of free learning materials, but it can be helped. Cloud Academy has a huge number of courses on both AWS and Azure, so you can cross that problem off your lis

Which is more in demand AWS or Azure?
Between 2018 and 2019, the number of job postings for AWS climbed 21.07 percent, Azure by 30.59 percent, and Google Cloud by 40.87 percent."
How Azure is different from AWS?
AWS provides VPC, i.e., Virtual private cloud which helps the user to create separated networks inside the cloud, whereas Azure provides Virtual networks, which can be utilized to build isolated networks, subnets, route tables, private IP addresses range similar to AWS.
Is Azure easier than AWS?
AWS for me is easier to understand (As I have used it for a long time). Microsoft Azure is somewhat easy but complicated to configure. ... Azure far better in the new portal, and offers vast services, not to learn in a day. But easy to move around
What types of Microsoft software can I run on AWS?
We can run many types of Microsoft software on AWS, including but not limited to: Microsoft Office, Windows Server, SQL Server, Exchange, SharePoint, etc.
Is Microsoft software supported on AWS?
Yes. AWS Support has been successfully supporting customers who run Microsoft Windows-based EC2 instances in the AWS cloud since 2008.